Fans wobbling/fans shaking is a relatively common complaint and is very rarely related to the product itself. Our blades do not need to be weighed or balanced and there are several mechanisms in place to help stabilize the system when used properly. Below are some possible causes for wobbling. It is usually best to send in a video of the wobble to enable MacroAir Technical Support to evaluate the severity and potential culprit.
1. Guy wires are missing or not properly installed.
- Guy wires are REQUIRED for a Universal Mount.
- All 4 guy wires must be used.
- Guy wires must be taut enough so that there is no slack.
- Turnbuckles must not be over-tightened. Hand-tighten turnbuckles and do not use tools.
- Guy wires should be at as close to a 45 degree angle from the motor as they can be.
- Guy wires must be secured to the building structure by hardware such as eye lags. GUY WIRES CAN NEVER BE WRAPPED AROUND A STRUCTURE.
2. The fan is not level. Ensure that the fan is perfectly level.
3. The three set screws on the Rapid Mount Commercial are not tightened.
4. The bolts on the sides of the Rapid Mount Industrial are not properly torqued. The 3 bolts on each side of the ball must be torqued to 30 ft lbs once the fan is hung and level.
5. Unistrut is being improperly used. This is the most common cause of wobble complaints.
- The building structure may not be adequate. Unistrut and/or a structural engineer should be consulted to confirm the proper installation procedure based on the building specifications and the weight and torque values of the fan.
- The unistrut may be too thin. MacroAir recommends a minimum 1 5/8"x1 5/8" 12 gauge unistrut.
- The trusses are too narrow and not enough trusses are being spanned. For trusses under 3" in width, it is recommended to span across multiple trusses for added stability.
- The two pieces of unistrut are too close together. The mounting plate should be angled to allow the greatest distance between the two pieces of unistrut.
6. A component is loose. Ensure that all hardware is properly tightened using the specifications in the installation manual.
7. The fan is not properly programmed. Ensure that AVD fans have had their blade size and motor calibration (if necessary) properly completed.
8. There is an issue with the hardware. The Rapid Mount may need to be replaced if there is no other identifiable cause to the wobble.
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